Weekday activities for mums and 0-3 year olds
St Andrew's welcomes everyone, including mums-to-be, and parents and carers with toddlers and pre-school children. Toddlers and Bump & Beyond are drop-in groups, although number restrictions may apply

Toddler Groups (weekly during school terms)
We have two groups meeting in the A2 hall, next to our main church building. We have a good selection of toys and ride-ons, and have craft, snack time and singing activities each week. Free parking in the large Waitrose car park. Buggy park just outside the entrance, under cover. Optional donation £2 per family.
​Monday: 10.00-11.30am
Wednesday: 10.00-11.30am
For information email Janice on toddlers@standrewsgwp.org

Bump & Beyond (formerly Bump to Birthday): support for mums and mums-to-be
A relaxed group on Fridays for mums-to-be and mums with babies not yet walking: offering support and an opportunity to make friends and to share experiences. Fun for babies with toys and activities. Drinks and biscuits. We meet in the church lounge (as Andy's is not open on Fridays) or sometimes in the A2 building if there is an event in the church. Optional donation. Free parking in the Waitrose car park.
Friday: 10am-11.30am
For information email Sue on bumpandbeyond@standrewsgwp.org

Messy Church
"Church, but not as you know it"! It can be messy, loud, colourful, competitive, creative, but it’s always great fun.
The event is free and all are welcome. The activities are aimed mainly for primary aged children but younger siblings and parents/carers will also enjoy the experience.
Bi-monthly, on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon:
Saturday 20th July 2024
Sunday 22nd September 2024
Saturday 30th November 2024
No booking necessary. We'd love to see you!

Mums Bible Study (fortnightly during school term time)
- sorry, this isn't running at present
A friendly, welcoming group offering time to chat and explore faith and the challenges and joys of parenthood together.
Children welcome.
Thursday: 10.00-11.30am in the Chapel
For information email Karin on children@standrewsgwp.org

Andy's Community Cafe
You are always welcome here to meet your friends over coffee, or enjoy cake or a delicious lunch (offered on a "pay as you feel" basis). There is a play area to keep your children entertained.
Wednesday and Thursday: 10am-2.30pm