Our church services
Our main service is at 10am on a Sunday morning.
This is an inspiring time of worship to lead us closer to the heart of God.
In this service we aim to balance the styles of our two previous services (one band-led with mainly contemporary worship songs, the second was a more traditional service with hymns).
A staffed Minnows Group, Sunday Kids Clubs and a Youth Group run each week alongside the service.
1st Sunday of each month
8:30am Said Holy Communion
10am Morning Worship* (incorporating a ‘This Time Tomorrow' slot). This Time Tomorrow is a chance to hear from people in our church family (one at a time!) by asking four simple questions. This Time Tomorrow is about recognising the importance of following Jesus in our everyday, and also gives us the chance to get to know each other better and pray for one another.
2nd Sunday of each month
10am Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of each month
10am Morning Worship* (including an update from one of our Mission partners)
4th Sunday of each month
10am Holy Communion
We use a modern translation of the Bible (NLT). Sermons are illustrated with illustrations and video clips, where appropriate. Sermons often follow a theme over several weeks, and emphasise how God’s word can be applied to our lives today.
Prayer ministry is available after each service if you would like someone to pray with you.
Afterwards: a time to meet and chat
We have started serving refreshments after our services. Come and catch up with friends and spend time together.
*Morning Worship services do not include Holy Communion

The words to songs and prayers are projected at the front - we don't use hymn or prayer books.
Sunday for Kids
Children and young people at
St Andrew's have lots of fun while
learning about Jesus and what
it means to be a Christian!
Our children's groups are known as SKIDS. They are led by our children and families worker, Karin Rayner, and her team.
We hope eventually to resume events for children and their families, such as family movie afternoons and the popular Summer Holiday Club,
Contact Karin via the CONTACT page or click the photos below to visit the CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES page.

Outdoor Church
In Summer our 10am service for all ages sometimes takes place outside – and usually with a bouncy castle!
It is often followed by a BBQ. Passers-by are welcome to join in the worship and fun as we witness openly to the love of Jesus.