All workers and volunteers with supervisory responsibility for work with babies, toddlers children, youth or vulnerable adults are required to have a current DBS certificate and to follow the Church of England's national Safeguarding Policy.
In particular, the church expects anyone who becomes aware of a safeguarding risk or of actual abuse to immediately raise this with the Parish Safeguarding Officer or Vicar. Their details are shown below.
Please click here to read our safeguarding policy.
If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Advisor, or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay.
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Lynne West
Vicar: Scott Smith

Diocesan Safeguarding information:
The Diocesan Safeguarding can be contacted on 01483 790379 or at
For all emergency situations call 999

Are you a survivor or victim of church related abuse? Could you help the Diocese of Guildford to learn from the past and protect the future?
The Diocese of Guildford is currently reviewing all its records, across all 162 parishes, to ensure that all safeguarding concerns and allegations have been identified, reported, and appropriately actioned. Critical to this, is the voice of survivors and victims. The Diocese of Guildford wants to listen to and to learn from your experiences and ensure that your voices are heard throughout this review process.
Coming forward
Anybody who would like to give information or make disclosures about church-related abuse is asked to contact Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Jackie Broadfoot (01483 790379 or at
Support is available
The Diocese recognises that coming forward may be extremely difficult and dedicated support has been set up for you. Two confidential listening services have been set up, for those people who have experienced church related abuse but who might want to talk through their experiences and feelings before taking any next step. To find out more about the support available click here.
The Single Point of Access (SPA)
Children and Adult Services social workers. Direct information, advice and guidance about where and how to find the appropriate support for children and families.
Surrey: 0300 470 9100 email: (children)
email: (adult)
Domestic Abuse Surrey
YourSanctuary: 01483 776822
24hr National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
DeafHope (BSL): text 07970350366
Childline: 0800 1111
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
NSPCC Sign Video link
The Samaritans: 116123 email:
Modern Day Slavery Helpline: 0800 01210700
Mental Health Crisis Helpline: 0300 456 83 42
5pm-9am Monday to Friday
24 hours cover at weekends including Bank Holidays.
SMS texting facility for deaf or hard of hearing: 07717 989024
Stop it Now! 0808 1000 900