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Pastoral Resources

This index of organisations providing specialist help is a pastoral resource for our fellowship at St Andrew’s. It is provided in good faith and believed correct at time of publication. Links to web pages are liable to change: please tell our webmaster if you notice an incorrect link: click here.

Note: St Andrew's Church Goldsworth Park is not responsible for the content of external sites.




Abortion & Pregnancy Counselling

ACHOR (based in Woking) supports those grieving a pregnancy loss or suffering emotional side effects following a termination, and helps find fresh confidence for the future. Text 07752639380, email: or call in for an appointment at 9 Oaks Road, Woking, GU21 6DU (road next to Pizza Express).


Life combines prolife advocacy and education work with nationwide services providing positive alternatives to abortion. It supports anyone facing an unexpected pregnancy, pregnancy loss or after abortion. It also strives to inspire and inform the next generation to value all human life from beginning to end. National helpline: 0808 802 5433.



Alcohol Addiction – help for alcoholics


Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.


Catalyst is a local organisation offering access to support for drug and alcohol users who want to change their lives, so reducing the harm to themselves, their families and communities.


Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction. It works with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics to match a patients’ addiction with an private rehabilitation centre.



Alcoholism – support for family and friends of those affected


Al-Anon Family Groups provide support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not. Helpline: 020 7403 0888


Catalyst offers and family and friends counselling, group work, assessment and referrals to address the wider factors around drug and alcohol use.







Cruse Bereavement Care supports people after the death of someone close. Tel: 0808 808 1677.


The UK Government web page “What to do after someone dies” provides up-to-date advice.


Bereaved parents


Care for the Family's work is motivated by Christian compassion, and its resources and support are available to everyone, of any faith, or none.





Care in the home – see under Home Independence



Child abuse


Childline has a free, national helpline for children and young people in trouble or danger: 0800 1111



Citizens Advice


Citizens Advice (formerly Citizens Advice Bureau) provides advice and information on a wide range of topics. Tel: 01483 541666.





Woking Relate provides relationship and family counselling, children and young people's counselling, sex therapy and family mediation. Tel. 01483 602998


Pippa Rashbrook is a Woking=based counsellor and psychotherapist, registered with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP). Tel: 07796 907821. Email:


Connect is a professional counselling service in Camberley. It is a Christian organisation serving the community. Tel: 01276 24210. Email:


The Online Counselling Directory has a search facility find counsellors and psychotherapists in and near Woking.


The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) provides an online “Find a Therapist” Directory. Tel. 01455 883300.





Surrey Young Carers supports young carers in their caring role, helps them achieve your best at school, have fun, discover new interests and make new friends. Tel. 01483 568 269. Email Follow @SYC_YoungCarers


Action for Carers Surrey (for adult carers) aims to enable all unpaid carers to have a voice and access support to improve their quality of life and well-being. Tel: 01483 302748. Email:





Drug Addiction – help for addicts


NHS Choices has information on treatment available from the NHS.


Catalyst offers drug and alcohol users who want to change their lives, access to support, reducing the harm to themselves, their families and


Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction. It works with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics to match a patients’ addiction with an private rehabilitation centre.



Drug Addiction – support for friends and family of those affected


Catalyst offers individual and family and friends counselling, group work, assessment and referrals to address the wider factors around drug and alcohol use.





National Debtline is an independent charity providing free, impartial and confidential debt advice.


Christians Against Poverty (DAP) provides free debt help, job clubs, release groups, life skills groups and money courses for everyone, regardless of race or religion. Tel: 0800 328 0006. Email



Death - see under Bereavement





The Diocese of Guildford provides information presentations on the following page - scroll down the page


The Alzheimer's Society has a National Dementia Helpline for those worried about or affected by dementia. Its web site incldes information about dementia, including symptoms, types, treatments and risk factors. 
Tel. 0300 222 11 22





ESOL - English for Speakers of Other Languages


Woking College runs courses at the Maybury Centre and Woking College. Tel. 01483 761036.




Elder Abuse


Hourglass offers a confidential freephone helpline 0808 808 8041, which provides information, advice and support to victims and others who are concerned about (or have witnessed) abuse, neglect or financial exploitation.



Elderly (support and advice)


Age UK Advice is a free, confidential, national phone service for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals. It can provide advice on the benefits to claim and how to claim them, retirement and pensions, choosing a care home, and anxiety about a hospital stay and how to cope afterwards. Tel. (freephone) 0800 055 6112.


Christians on Ageing  – official name Christian Council on Ageing – is a voluntary, national, ecumenical member-based organization.  It offers help and advice to Church organisations, and other bodies and individuals concerned with the needs, especially the spiritual needs, of all older people.







The Surrey Family Information Service (from Surrey County Council) is a free impartial service with lots of information for families with children aged 0 to 25. It can help find organisations and services that may be able to support your family including information about childcare, holiday schemes and activities in the local area. It provides an online search facility or you can make a personal enquiry by completing an online enquiry form.





Woking Foodbank uses a voucher referral system. Vouchers are issued by local agencies including Citizens Advice, Children’s Centres, Housing Support Officers and Health Visitors.

Opening hours:
Woking Centre Foodbank, The Lighthouse, 8-10 High Street, Woking GU21 6BG. Monday 10.30am-12.30pm; Wednesday 10.30am-12.30pm, Thursday 10.30am-12.30pm
Sythwood Foodbank, The Salvation Army Centre, Sythwood, Woking GU21 3BE. Tuesday 1pm-2.30pm, Friday 10am-12pm.
Sheerwater Foodbank, The Mascot Hub, 43 Dartmouth Avenue, Sheerwater, Woking GU21 5PE. Wednesday 2pm-4pm.


For details see





Woking Besom accepts gifts of good quality items and passes them on to people who need them. Tel. 01276 855215.


The Woking Community Furniture Project is a local, registered charity that provides donated furniture, household goods, and electrical items at low cost to people in Woking and the surrounding area, with a special focus on discounted prices for those in the community needing help. Tel. 01483 730005.






Lesbian and Gay Switchboard provides information, support and referral services. Tel. 020 7837 7324







Household maintenance


Woking Besom’s volunteers assist the needy by doing decorating, cleaning or gardening. Tel. 01276 855215



Hospital Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

PALS acts as an information service for patients and their families and friends. PALS also follows up concerns which may be raised about hospital services on an informal and confidential basis, with the aim of resolving problems as quickly as possible.


Royal Surrey County Hospital. Tel 01483 402757. Email

Ashford and St. Peter’s Hospitals. Tel: 01932 723553. Email:

Frimley Park Hospital. Tel 01276 526530 or 0300 613 6530 Email




Home Independence


Homelink is part of Woking Borough Council's Home Independence Team and offers advice, support and assistance to elderly, disabled or vulnerable people who own or privately rent their home in Woking Borough and who wish to adapt, repair or improve it in order to continue living there. Tel: 01483 743668. Email:



Careline 24-hour emergency alarm service. Enables people to live independently in their home, safe in the knowledge help is at hand 365 days a year just by pressing the trigger worn around the next or on the wrist.


The Community Meals Service delivers at lunchtime hot meal with dessert, teatime meal and a breakfast pack for the following day up to seven days a week for as long as needed. It is available to those who meet criteria: see the web page for details. Phone: 01483 770 777. Email:


Goldsworth Care, Knaphill Care and SWAN (South West Woking Assisting Neighbours) provide neighbourly help to needy people in the areas they serve. This includes transport, filling in forms, odd jobs, collecting prescriptions, and shopping. For their details see under Transport (below).



Hearing aids (NHS)


NHS hearing aid users can have them maintained, retubed, receive advice and collect batteries at Hearing Champion sessions, held at St Andrew's on the first Wednesday of each month, from 1pm-3pm.  No appointment is necessary. Hearing Champions are volunteers (church members) who have been trained by NHS audiology staff in the basics of hearing aid maintenance. The volunteers have been trained on safeguarding matters and are DBS-certified. The service was initiate and is supported by The Diocese of Guildford.
Hearing Champion volunteers can provide support with the following:

  • Checking the hearing is working properly

  • Re-tubing, ear mould cleaning and battery replacement

  • Checking the fitting of the hearing aid in the ear

  • Advice on maintenance and cleaning of hearing aids

  • Advice and support on making the most of the hearing aids

  • Information and signposting to other services and useful equipment






Mental Health


Catalyst is a local organisation offering support, guidance and activities to increase wellbeing for people affected by stress, anxiety and depression.


The Mental Health Foundation is dedicated to finding and addressing the sources of mental health problems, and provides advice on mental health problems. Tel. 020 7803 1101.


Together offers a wide variety of support to help people deal with the personal and practical impacts of mental health issues. Tel: 020 7780 7300


The online Counselling Directory has a search facility find counsellors and psychotherapists in and near Woking.


The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) provides an online “Find a Therapist” Directory. Tel. 01455 883300.


The PANDAS Foundation supports and advises a parent who is experiencing a mental illness immediately before or after birth, and also guides family members, carers, friends and employers on supporting someone who is suffering. Tel. 0843 28 98 401 (every day 9am-8pm)


Young Minds provides information and advice for anyone with concerns about the mental health of a child or young person. Tel. 020 7336 8445


Safe Havens provide out of hours help and support to people and their carers in the event of a mental health crisis or emotional distress. They give adults a safe alternative to A&E when in crisis. Safe Havens are provided by a partnership between NHS Surrey and Borders Partnership Trust and third sector mental health specialists. The Woking Safe Haven is at 30 Goldsworth Road, Woking GU21 6JT, Opening times: 6pm-11pm Monday to Friday, 3pm-8pm weekends and bank holidays. This is a drop-in service; no phone number is available.









Refugee Council is the UK’s largest organisation working with refugees and asylum seekers. Tel. 020 7346 6700.



Resources for Community Engagement

The Diocese of Guildford has collected details of various organisations on this web site:







The Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call free at any time, from any phone on 116 123.

Samaritans local offices:
North West Surrey Samaritans, Samaritan Centre, Ledger Drive, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 1AT. Tel: 01932 844 444 (calls charged at local rate). Wheelchair accessible building and accessible toilet facilities.
Guildford Samaritans, 69 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4RD. Tel: 01483 505555 (calls charged at local rate). Wheelchair access.

Samaritans of Farnborough & District, 182A Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 7JW. Tel: 116 123 (national number, free to call). Wheelchair accessible.

Samaritans of Bracknell, Wokingham, Ascot and Districts, Hope Cottage, 2 Mount Pleasant, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 9AD. Tel: 01344 455556 (calls charged at local rate). Wheelchair accessible and induction loop.



Safeguarding and Inclusion


The Diocese of Guildford has set out the protocols which all parishes should follow when dealing with children and vulnerable adults. They are accessible from the following web page.







Woking Bustler operated by the charity Woking Community Transport) offers a “dial-a-ride” door to door transport service for Woking Borough residents who have reduced mobility using specially adapted buses. Registration is necessary before residents can use its services. To book call 01483 724433 or via the web site.

Goldsworth Care assists Goldsworth Park residents by providing transport to the doctor, the hospital or other appointments, in return for donations to its volunteers who use their own vehicles. Its volunteers can also help with shopping, household odd jobs or form filling, or simply providing company. Its assistance is available to those with disability, infirmity, family crisis, the elderly or otherwise in need. 
To arrange transport or other support call 07751 801587 (weekdays, 10am to noon).


For neighbourhood assistance and care outside of Goldsworth Park, organisations can be sound on the Surrey Community Action web site:










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