Here for the first time?
We'll do our best to make you feel welcome
If you come to our 10.00am Sunday service, our ‘welcome’ teams will greet you at the door and show you where to go.
You’ll find we use today’s language and a modern translation of the Bible. The words to songs and prayers are projected at the front - we don't use hymn or prayer books. Leaders and preachers use Powerpoint and video clips during worship and talks.
Most of our worship songs are contemporary, led by a band. We may also use an occasional hymn accompanied by the church organ.
At the 10.00am service there is a crèche for babies and children and youth groups for 3-15 year olds.
We aim to ensure everyone who comes to St Andrew's understands what’s going on, but most importantly what it means to follow Jesus.

Why not come and see for yourself?
Let us know if you need help with transport: we may be able to help – just contact our office.
There's little formality in services and newcomers can soon make new friends over tea and coffee afterwards.