Welcome to St Andrew's

A friendly community-focused Church in Goldsworth Park
Our phone line is currently not working.
If you need to contact us, please email: office@standrewsgwp.org
10am Sunday 30th March 2025
This week is an All Together service. You can listen to the sermon by clicking here.
10am Sunday 23rd March 2025
This week Scott leads for our Holy Communiuon Service. You can listen to the sermon by clicking here.
We make sound recordings of sermons. You can listen to them anytime, anywhere, via our Resources site here: www.goldsworthpark.org.uk/resources
The St Andrew’s Church Parochial Church Council (PCC) takes the safety of everyone very seriously and follows the Church of England’s national safeguarding policy: click here for full details.

About us
St. Andrew's is a friendly, community-focussed Church at the heart of Goldsworth Park, Woking. We’d love to welcome you at a Sunday service or in our Coffee Shop during the week.
You’ll find people of all ages and backgrounds from a variety of nationalities and cultures. We are a family-friendly church with clubs and activities for children and young people from 0-15, plus activities and events for older people.
St Andrew’s is a growing Anglican church in the evangelical tradition. We are committed to making a difference locally and globally in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our aim is:
To know Jesus better, and so
to make Him better known.
We look forward to meeting you. Come and be a part of what God is doing here!
Andy's Community Cafe
We're open Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10.00am-2.30pm term time only.
We have a range of superb coffees, teas and snacks, and a "pay as you feel" menu: there are no fixed prices, so you can pay what you can afford at the time (or nothing if you're feeling the pinch) so no one goes hungry.
For details click here to visit Andy's lovely web page - or Get Social with Andy's using these buttons:
Like Andy's on Facebook /AndysCommunityCafe
Follow Andy's on Twitter @AndysCafeGWP
Follow Andy's on Instagram @AndysCommunityCafe
Are you a survivor or victim of church related abuse?
Could you help the Diocese of Guildford to learn from the past and protect the future?
The Diocese of Guildford is currently reviewing all its records, across all 162 parishes, to ensure that all safeguarding concerns and allegations have been identified, reported, and appropriately actioned. Critical to this, is the voice of survivors and victims. The Diocese of Guildford wants to listen to and to learn from your experiences and ensure that your voices are heard throughout this review process.
Coming forward
Anybody who would like to give information or make disclosures about church-related abuse is asked to contact Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Jackie Broadfoot (phone 01483 790379 or at safeguarding@cofeguildford.org.uk ).
Support is available
The Diocese recognises that coming forward may be extremely difficult and dedicated support has been set up for you. Two confidential listening services have been set up, for those people who have experienced church related abuse but who might want to talk through their experiences and feelings before taking any next step. To find out more about the support available click here.